Sunday, September 23, 2007

Learning Processes Entry #2

As I'm reading (and this goes for pretty much anything, whether its academic or social), I find that I'm easily distracted. I typically have to take a quick (even just 1 or 2 minute) break every couple of pages so that I can remain focused on my reading. During these breaks I might do an assortment of things - check my e-mail, have a quick discussion on AIM with a friend, change the song playing on my iTunes...anything that allows me to take a brief mental break from what I'm reading in order to process what I've been reading about.

I also find when I'm reading that I can't do so in the dead silence. If there isn't any background noise I find that my mind has a greater tendency to travel then when there's music playing. The music can't be too loud though, nor can the music be too obnoxious. Music works perfectly. If the TV were on or there were a bunch of people around, I would be too distracted and not be able to focus on what it is that I'm reading.

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