Friday, September 7, 2007

Introduction and Backrgound

Hello, and welcome to my electronic home for EDU 540 - Methods and Materials in Social Studies. It is my hope to not just use this blog for this semester's assignments, but for it to develop into a resource that I can use as I begin my career in teaching.

I am originally from Washington, DC, and am a Hoya baby. After completing elementary school in Silver Spring, MD, my family moved to the central Illinois town of Bloomington. I completed both junior high and high school there, and during the journey worked with some amazing, extremely inspiring classroom teachers. Although I never felt at home in Bloomington, I would never ever exchange the wonderful academic experiences I had to have lived in the DC area for my entire childhood. However, by the time I got to senior year of high school I knew it was time for me to return to the DC area.

Throughout my time at AU, I've tried to reflect back as much as possible on my educational experiences and the wonderful teaching that my teachers did. The memories of my school days inspire me more and more everyday to continue on my journey to becoming a teacher. As I wind down my undergraduate studies, I am more excited than ever before about having students of my own to help inspire through the social sciences the same way that many of my Social Studies teachers did for me.

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